Thursday 26 April 2018


MS Word-computer-courses-in-chandigarh

What is MS Word?     
MS Excel is advanced version of lotus – 123. It is Application software .By using these 
software we can create reports, chart and calculation of any row or column or any type of
 data. The ms – excel provide many function like as mathematical, statically function etc.

Opening Microsoft Excel - 2018 :

  1. By Start Menu/ Mouse Command:
           “Start” >> “Programs” >> “Microsoft Office” >> “Microsoft Office Excel 2003.”
  1. By Run Command:
           Window + R >> Run = Excel
·         Extension Name: .XLS
·         File Type Name: Workbook
·         By Default Filename: Book1

Workbook such as a file in which are kept the spreadsheet and chart, in a workbook we can 
keep chart, in a workbook, in a workbook we can keep only one type of or many spreadsheet 
related to one work.

Spreadsheet is also said to the worksheet. Worksheet is a rectangular sheet in which there 
are made small boxes. Every box of worksheet is used to store the data as in the form of 
table and it can be moved or copied as per requirement this data can be calculated by giving 
formula according to our work.

Spreadsheet is the most important and the biggest part of excel. Which appears like a 
graph? As spreadsheet is big in size it is not completely visible on screen but its right side is 
always seen on the screen, from there we can start to input our data. The each and every 
small box of spreadsheet is known as cell which we can turn to big or small and also format 
is, depending upon the size of our data.

In spreadsheet, going from left to right is not recognized by the number but they are through 
the alphabets such as A, B, C they are known as column heading.

 Formula Bar:-
The formula bar displays the contents of the active cell including any formulas. As you enter 
or edit data, the changes will appear in the formula bar.

Name Box:-
The name box displays the active cell reference.

Row - Rows (horizontal) are labeled by their row headings from 1 thru 65,536.

Column - Columns (vertical) are labeled along their column heading A thru Z, AA thru AZ, up to column XFD.

There are three ways to click and drag on a cell – each having a different effect.

1. When you have the mouse inside a cell, the cursor will be formed like the Swiss Cross. On the
 off chance that you snap and drag when this image is demonstrating you will choose a scope of 

2. When you point to any outskirt of a cell the cursor changes to a 4-sided bolt (in Excel XP) or a 
bolt (renditions before XP). Clicking and dragging with this image will move the substance of the
 cell (to duplicate rather than move, hold down the CTRL key as you drag the substance of the 

3. In the right-hand base corner of each cell there is a little square. On the off chance that you 
hold the mouse over this, the cursor changes into a thick in addition to sign. In this mode, in the 
event that you snap and drag, you are utilizing the FILL HANDLE to fill cells you drag over.

4. In the event that the fill handle isn't appearing, go to TOOLS, OPTIONS, EDIT and guarantee 

5. CELL DRAG AND DROP alternative is empowered.
6. The fill handle is a duplicating instrument for replicating recipes, and qualities; be that as it 
may it is additionally used to fill in an assortment of arrangement, for example, successive 
numbers, dates and blended content.

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